NB! Rendin fee will be changing! You can read more about it here.
The rental market situation today is concerning. Landlords (84%) and agents (93%) believe that rising living costs are likely to cause payment difficulties for tenants.
Every landlord needs protection against potential rental issues such as tenant's payment arrears and property damage. That's what Rendin is for – throughout the rental period.
Our surety is also crucial if the landlord is working with the agent. But unfortunately, the amount of agents offering the Rendin solution to landlords is too small. Even though agents know they cannot help their clients in the same way.
Rental market's new standard
Rendin connects landlords and tenants, protects them during the rental period and saves time and money for both parties.
Rendin is the solution for renting (out) a home and signing secure rental agreements. The landlord has rent and utility payments guarantee with property protection, and the tenant can rent deposit-free. In case of any issues, Rendin legal experts are available to help.